Once, in Pennsylvania, USA, I ended up in the middle of a shoot-out between two drivers that was the most amazing thing I have ever seen, (and lived to tell the tale). It seems that the driver in front had annoyed the driver behind in some way. I guess he forgot about the traffic lights up ahead. There I was, riding in the private car of an off-duty detective, (although there is no such thing as off-duty) when these two cars came to a screeching halt in the lane to our left. Doors were thrown open and much shouting of profanities followed. Suddenly someone screamed "Look out, he's got a gun!! Suddenly, everybody had a gun. Then, these two Einsteins began shooting in this busy junction.
My friend, the cop lit up his emergency light and yelled, "drop the weapons ! Hands up!" I heard the two guns drop, and the clatter of more guns kept dropping. Brilliant! There were all these people standing around with their hands over their heads, but one by one they picked up their weapons and walked off, except the two brain-dead combatants.
I looked around for the cameras and Lesley Snipes. This had to be a scene from a movie. No, this was just the good ole U. S. of A.
In another incident, a young guy who evidently took great pride in his car thought nothing of parking it in such a way as to lock in at least two other motorists. They were waiting for him when he came back. One was part of a family of four, including a crying baby. Understandably, the child's father was angry, but when he tried to tell thug what an inconvenience he had caused the guy got right up in his face. A very professional looking guy, who could have been cast for a role in Murder, Inc was passing, and observing what was going on went over to the car and kicked in the headlights. Thug froze at the sound, turned around to take a piece of this guy with the death wish and froze again. He was facing Bruce, a U.S. Navy Seal trainer, a man with no neck that you could see, and no sense of humour about what was going on.
Thug had to get down on his knees and apologise to the family with a sincerity that impressed Bruce. Rarely have I enjoyed a case of road rage quite so much.
In another case a man drove his car in such a way as to cause a fender bender with another car. When the other driver got out, presumably to discuss exchanging particulars for insurance purposes the aggressor driver beat him within an inch of his life.
I once questioned out loud why mild mannered accountants like myself leave our offices at the end of the day and drive like lunatics. The person to whom I addressed this question said he thought it must be because we are lunatics. O.K.!
I think it must all be about attitude, and leaving enough time to get to where we are going. And one more thing, tolerance and patience. Other people cannot be expected to drive exactly the way we would like them to. I was driving at the speed limit when a trucker came up behind me flashing his lights telling me to move on. Move on to what? I was already at the speed limit.
Before setting out for the day I try to remember to take a deep breath and to promise myself that I am not going to let anyone ruin my day. Sometimes it works, and sometimes it don't!
Please don't overtake along two-way road systems. Save your life for those who love you!