What is it about this type of driving that is so compelling?
Summertime and driving go hand in hand to the extent that those people who don't own a car feel the urge. To pack the car with, of all things, children and tons of stuff and head out for a road trip is an annual ritual that is sacred. Here in Spain there are times when authorities specially prepare for what constitutes the great escape from the cities, followed by the great return.
What bothers me is that during these times the death rate on the roads spikes upwards, but it need not be so. It's true that a great many more vehicles are concentrated on the roads within a short span of time, however, if drivers were to increase their own vigilance and use common sense crashes would simply not occur.
For instance, when taking road trips in the past there have been stretches of road when I was driving that offered spectaculr scenery. I am yet to see it because as the driver I had to keep my eyes on the road and to drive very carefully. I could not allow myself to be distracted by anything. The consequence of that is that we are home safely, as are all the other people whom we passed going in the opposite direction. Each of we drivers upheld our individual responsibilities, but the net result is that all of our passengers enjoyed the drive and the scenery. We drivers will have to go back as passengers to see what all the raving was about.
The other thing about summer driving is to put the top down if we have a convertible. This is a strange concept, one that looks great, but if you drive a convertible you will know that it is a hot, and sometimes uncomfortable experiance. The windscreen keeps the wind from directly cooling you down while the lack of a top has the full power of the sun raising your temperature. And then, there is the rain. The surest way to bring the rain is by lowering the top of the car.
But still, after all's said and done, Summertime is best and it raises our spirits like nothing else. So, here's wishing everyone safe driving and a most enjoyable time in the great outdoors. Just leave alcohol alone if you have to drive.
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