This image suggests a better year for driving experience then the past year.
We have been given the figure of 1, 131 lives lost due to road crashes during 2014. For the very first time since the introduction of the points system, when there has been a steady decline in losses, this year saw a jump in the number from 1, 112 during 2013 to 1, 131 during 2014. Any which way we look at this situation it's a sad story. Many of the people who lost their lives prematurely were young people. Far too many of the lives were lost due to someone's total stupidity. But somehow, seeing that the figure actually rose rather than another decline is particularly depressing.
There will be those who say, but yes, but remember there was a time when annual losses used to be 5,191. That was a time when the whole country found that number just totally unacceptable and undigestable.
There are reasons we return in the evening after a day of travel. The reasons are that everyone we encountered during the day were alert and focused, as were we. Everyone took care to be courteous and drove with due care and attention. Probably, we all decided that we would not drink then get in our car and drive. At the end of the day we all returned to our loved ones.
I am fond of pointing out that in my homeland of Bermuda, as pat of the New Year Eve celebrations, the government makes taxis available for revellers to leave their own cars and to ride home, without cost, just so that we don't have people trying to drive home drunk. There are also a lot of policemen around at parking lots, etc to "suggest" very strongly in some cases that you need to take a taxi sir, and here's one now. Get In!
Result: Not one single accident after midnight December 31/ January 1.
What a lovely way to begin the New Year.
Drive safely and carefully. 2015 could be a really great year for you, but only if you're alive to see it through.
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