Here in Spain the examination of your vehicle is undertaken by the ITV, which means Inspeción Tecnica Vehiculo. This is a private business that works in concert for the government, something that we call a Quango in the U.K. The government here would say that it has outsourced the problem.
I have written about annual examinations before, and I return briefly to say that life has gotten a little bit better as they streamline their operations. Now, you can make an appointment on-line for your annual inspection. Instead of showing up without an appointment you can now show up at the designated time and be seen to within a reasonable waiting period.
Normally, this is a very painful experience that takes up to two hours of staying with your vehicle and moving it forward one car space at a time. Taxi drivers demanded that the system be improved so that they need not spend two hours going through this twice a year.
So, the appointment system was created for them, but other people saw what was happening and spoke up in indignation. In response the opportunity has been thrown open to everyone, but amazingly most people still prefer to go and simply wait the two, or more hours.
I expect the system will catch on. Then it will change into one whereby it will be difficult to get an appointment unless booking a year ahead.
Good Luck!
Copyright © 2009 Eugene Carmichael