The period between January first and the seventh, covering the aftermath of New Year celebrations and the sixth, being the Reyes festival when the Three Kings visit the homes to give the children their gifts, was a time when things went horribly bad for many families. Fifty people lost their lives on the roads at a time when no-one should have ended their lives.
The formula for surviving such disasters is simple. Do not get behind the wheel if you have been drinking alcohol or taking drugs. You really do need your full sense of concentration because things change so suddenly. I do not even take my eyes off the road to operate my CD player, and I don't respond when my phone rings. No one ever needs to contact me instantly, although they may think so.
I feel saddened for the families that were afftected, especially the children. The worst death was that of a man who was playing the role of one of the Three Kings. His throne was caught by an overhead cable and he was toppled backwards and landed on his head. For the children, and their parents, watching this happen it was a calamity of the greatest proportions. That will be stamped on the minds of the children for the rest of their lives.
I hope we accept the warnings and that we conduct ourselves with care, caution, sobriety, common sense, and concern for ourselves and our fellow drivers. Nowhere is it written that we have to die while going about our normal daily business just because we are behind the wheel of our car.
Copyright (c) 2015 Eugene Carmichael