In my other principal blog,, I have written this week of global warming, but because that is a reality is still doesn't mean that in the upper regions there is no snow. There is plenty of snow, while down at sea level, in some places we see people on the beaches and actually swimming in normal bathing attire. What a wonderful winter this is indeed. It's great to have such delightful warm days, even if the nights turn very cold. If you live in those areas where heavy snowfall is common I think that life must be very hard for you in the winter.
The news media are all too happy to broadcast pictures from such regions of snow that rises up to the roof, thereby blocking doors. You have to shovel your way out the door and down the pathway to your car. Now you have to try and remember where exactly you left your car, because if you get it wrong you dig out someone's else' car instead.
My worst problem might be the clearing away from the car of frost on the windscreen. I will be inconvenienced the few minutes it takes for that to be completed. By comparison, after digging your way out of the house and finding the car, there is also the problem of just walking around without falling and breaking a part of your body.
I have lived in Canada, both in Toronto and Montreal, and I have visited Halifax in the middle of winter. I found I was so cold there that it was impossible to simply walk along main street without going in one shop to take a little heat before stopping next door to do the same thing. Some cities are built of a downstairs and an upstairs part to accommodate the seasons.
This is to say that I have the greatest respect for the hardiness of people who can adapt themselves to living in very harsh climates. I know that with central heating life indoors can be very comfortable, but you have to come outside sometimes, and that's when the men get seperated from the tourists.
I hope you all appreciate what global warming is doing to make life a little easier for you.
Copyright (c) 2016
Eugene Carmichael