Blog Archive

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Vacation Driving

We have now entered that most dangerous time of year on the roads. Driving for our Vacations. This is when we load up the car with the whole family and head for the hills or the beach. We are trying to leave all thoughts of terrorism behind and hopefully to take our families somewhere safe to relax and enjoy one another.

This is an appeal to common sense drivers, because all too often the driver, who is charged with getting everyone there and back safely, becomes the terrorist himself or herself. If we drink alcohol, or drive after a heavy meal, or allow ourselves to become distracted; and especially is we don't stop when we start to feel drowsy we can inflict more damage on the whole family than any terrorist.

The Number One killer on the road during vacation time is closing our eyes due to tiredness. It can strike at any time of day or night. Long straight roads are boring, and boredom leads to tiredness and you only need to close your eyes once. You will most probably never open them again.

So, stay sober and off any type of thing that may impair your judgement, and above all, stay awake!

Live to vacation again next year.

Good luck!

Copyright (c) 2016
Eugene Carmichael