Blog Archive

Sunday, May 19, 2013

The Undertaker's Hearse

Why do we need all that window space when we can't see out?

I recently found myself to be the first car following a hearse. It was not a funeral, just that he was driving along with me following. That is a much better situation than to have a hearse following me, as happened many years ago. On that occasion he followed me for such a long distance I had the feeling he was sending me a message that said, "We're ready when you are!"

I know, this is a bit of a downer topic, but its just that I got to wondering why a hearse has so much glass. The one that I was following had curtains that were closed, so presumably he had been to collect someone who had died, and having put that person in a body bag the driver thought it best to close the curtains.

When they are taking the body to the cemetary the curtains are open, displaying a coffin. People along the street couldn't give a fig's leaf, as long as it's not them, and even if they did give a glance all that they see is a box. Whoopie!

Normally, the only people who care and are drawn to the event taking place are family and friends. The rest of the world have no need to view the box because it is an unnecessary reminder that our time is coming, and probably all too soon. That leaves me wondering about the design of the hearse, and what was in the mind of the designers. What do they think is being accomplished?

Just one of those everyday things that we generally don't give a thought to.

Copyright (c) 2013    Eugene Carmichael