Well, you and I have both seen them as they drive right through red lights, or just cruise past stop signs as though they weren’t there. What are they thinking? Have you made the same mistakes? I have. I’m embarrassed to say that on more than one occasion I have gone through a red light quite inadvertently. On one of those times a collision was narrowly averted, but only due to the other driver’s vigilance.
I can honestly say that I have never run a stop sign, even those where there is a flashing orange light with stop sign. For those it is intended that you stop then proceed with extreme caution. But those lights that never go to green, but only switch from red to flashing orange can trip a person up. You glance at it and it is flashing orange. Then you focus your attention back to the car in front and you don’t notice that the light has stopped flashing but has gone to non-flashing orange, and then suddenly its on red.
I have run those a couple of times. However, just recently, having learned to keep a close eye on the light I very nearly committed the ultimate faux-pas as I had a Guardia Civil vehicle right behind me when the light suddenly did its trick. I stopped, but more abruptly than I would have preferred. However, I did save myself from a ticket.
With regard to stop signs, I will confess to not always coming to a complete stop with all wheels at standstill, and for a count of three. That’s what Stop! means, but there will be very few of us who do that especially when we can see that we have the all-clear. But, the cameras are watching, and if we don’t come to a complete halt we run the risk of receiving in the mail a demand to pay a fine for our folly.
One final thought: If you are ever tempted to roll off early, before the light actually changes to green, remember that on the cross street there is likely someone who is determined to squeeze the last little bit from the green light that has now changed to red. If the two of you must meet, try not to do so by accident.
Copyright © 2008 Eugene Carmichael