Traffic! Who needs it?
Having driven for close to 55 years I finally had my worst nightmare behind the wheel. I was caught in a torrential rainstorm in the city, in a traffic jam, at night, in conditions in which I just could not see where I was in the street. My car windows continually fogged up, and I could not pull over to the side, where ever that was, to stop.
My airconditioning system would only work on hot, so I made steam in the car, and I had an idea that there was traffic behind me only because their lights blinded me. At one point, we were on a roundabout with apparently a bus, or something to my right, signified only by a tiny yellow light, and to my left some clown in a car was pushing me towards the bus/something. Choose: would I rather hit the bus/something or the car? I chose the car. In the event I struck neither, but that was a bit of luck.
The rain was driving down relentlessly, I was wipìng the front windscreen constantly, and that gave me a little bit of vision out the front, and I continued forward on instinct. Finally I got a brilliant idea. Open the bloody windows! Sure the rain came in, but the cloud in the windows lifted and I could actually see to the side and forward, and even behind. Wonderful!
I eventually got to my destination safely, but exhausted and a bit wet. I had to contemplate the return journey which was more than a terrible thought, but when the time came it had stopped raining. That I survived that experience without a scratch means that there is someone watching over me who has my very best interests at heart. Thank you Guardian Angel!
It has stopped raining for about five days and the car seats are still a little squishy, but the car will survive, and I might add it will be a little cleaner because after all, it was only water. Its a Volvo and that's one tough car. It's the nightmares that are slow to go away. I cannot understand why the situation in my dreams has to be so much worse than in reality.
On the bright side, I must be one hell of a driver to drive on instincts without even touching anything. I consider that a very good testament. I wonder if I can put that on my driving CV?
Copyright (c) 2011 Eugene Caramichael