What Beauties!
This is an annual event that takes place at the enormous Feria Valencia complex in Paterna. It is simply a stupefying display of every type of car, and motorbike that one could hope to see. Car dealers offer event discounts on new cars and a large selection of secondhand cars as well.
If you have never visited this show centre you cannot appreciate how large it is from my description. I simply am unable to imagine what kind of show it would have to be to use all the space. I was not in the market to purchase a car, owning to the fact that I already own two. I went to see the custom cars and the classic vehicles. I was not disappointed!
The presentation began with the vehicles parked out in front. A powder blue Cadillac people carrier, that was an early model that I had never seen before. It had lots of glass as if it was used to carry celebrities. Parked next to that was a classic old-style Jeep that was in showroom condition. It was mounted by several extra lights that makes it standout as being extra masculine. A Ford Capri from many years ago in bright red stood regal and in perfect condition. That owner was obviously very proud of his treasure. I owned a Capri at one time and was in love with that car.
There were many other fabulous cars on show in the sunshine, but I needed to get inside. The entrance fee was only 3 euros so upon payment of that I was in. Immediately, we were met with a display of motorcycles, including a BMW motorcycle with sidecar, and a mount for a machine gun that would have served during the war, on the nazi side. I would like it in its complete form so that I could move the traffic.
The Seat 600 club had their fleet on display. It’s amazing to remember that this car served as the family car and it moved Big Mama and grandparents as well. So many eclectic cars brought back to their finest condition that my memory was overwhelmed.
My second favourite display was the Jaguars section displaying models down through the ages. Many of the big cats were there. There was one of the XK120 models, but not the exact model that I owned when I was in London. The model I owned is shown at the top of this column and was British Racing Green. When I was seen in it I was assumed to be a show biz celebrity. The new Jaguars are, I’m sure, really grand cars, but I don’t like them. I am a classic model fan, specifically in that I love my Jag Sovereign.
There were some Rolls Royce cars on display that were interesting, but the RR has never intrigued me. It has always been a car that needs to be driven by a chauffer, and is more like an elegant bus. It has never even drawn my attention, until I came across a dark blue Silver Spirit, 1986. That’s a 25 year-old car that appeared in better condition than many of the second hand semi-new cars on sale. The owner was asking 11,950 euros, but the car was on British plates so has to be imported. It has passed Spanish ITV but at that price it would likely cost another 10,000 euros by the time it has been imported.
The Rolls Royce is one of those vehicles that will run forever, and I yearned so much for this car that I could have driven home in it. This model has the aura of a Rolls that can and should be driven by the owner. I can just see myself driving along in this car. When I drive my Jag people fall over in surprise. Just for the hell of it I would like to get the reaction of people on the street of me in a Rolls. However, I would not like to get the reaction of the tax man.
This is an annual event that takes place at the enormous Feria Valencia complex in Paterna. It is simply a stupefying display of every type of car, and motorbike that one could hope to see. Car dealers offer event discounts on new cars and a large selection of secondhand cars as well.
If you have never visited this show centre you cannot appreciate how large it is from my description. I simply am unable to imagine what kind of show it would have to be to use all the space. I was not in the market to purchase a car, owning to the fact that I already own two. I went to see the custom cars and the classic vehicles. I was not disappointed!
The presentation began with the vehicles parked out in front. A powder blue Cadillac people carrier, that was an early model that I had never seen before. It had lots of glass as if it was used to carry celebrities. Parked next to that was a classic old-style Jeep that was in showroom condition. It was mounted by several extra lights that makes it standout as being extra masculine. A Ford Capri from many years ago in bright red stood regal and in perfect condition. That owner was obviously very proud of his treasure. I owned a Capri at one time and was in love with that car.
There were many other fabulous cars on show in the sunshine, but I needed to get inside. The entrance fee was only 3 euros so upon payment of that I was in. Immediately, we were met with a display of motorcycles, including a BMW motorcycle with sidecar, and a mount for a machine gun that would have served during the war, on the nazi side. I would like it in its complete form so that I could move the traffic.
The Seat 600 club had their fleet on display. It’s amazing to remember that this car served as the family car and it moved Big Mama and grandparents as well. So many eclectic cars brought back to their finest condition that my memory was overwhelmed.
My second favourite display was the Jaguars section displaying models down through the ages. Many of the big cats were there. There was one of the XK120 models, but not the exact model that I owned when I was in London. The model I owned is shown at the top of this column and was British Racing Green. When I was seen in it I was assumed to be a show biz celebrity. The new Jaguars are, I’m sure, really grand cars, but I don’t like them. I am a classic model fan, specifically in that I love my Jag Sovereign.
There were some Rolls Royce cars on display that were interesting, but the RR has never intrigued me. It has always been a car that needs to be driven by a chauffer, and is more like an elegant bus. It has never even drawn my attention, until I came across a dark blue Silver Spirit, 1986. That’s a 25 year-old car that appeared in better condition than many of the second hand semi-new cars on sale. The owner was asking 11,950 euros, but the car was on British plates so has to be imported. It has passed Spanish ITV but at that price it would likely cost another 10,000 euros by the time it has been imported.
The Rolls Royce is one of those vehicles that will run forever, and I yearned so much for this car that I could have driven home in it. This model has the aura of a Rolls that can and should be driven by the owner. I can just see myself driving along in this car. When I drive my Jag people fall over in surprise. Just for the hell of it I would like to get the reaction of people on the street of me in a Rolls. However, I would not like to get the reaction of the tax man.
All things considered I really enjoyed the Feria. There were a lot of stalls selling parts and clothing, and it seemed that some dealers must have brought their entire inventory. The only thing that was missing was the thousands and thousands of people who were expected. There were very few people, and you could see the disappointed looks on the face of the stallholders. I felt so bad for those people. I don’t know what went wrong because this is an annual event at the feria, so the organisers have a wealth of experience to call on to promote the event.
Maybe this is further evidence of the economic crisis at work.
Copyright © 2011 Eugene Carmichael
Maybe this is further evidence of the economic crisis at work.
Copyright © 2011 Eugene Carmichael