Cool Driving in 2013
Welcome 2013!
Even as I look at the title that I have given this piece I feel uncomfortable in thinking that there is such a thing as a positive side to road deaths. I am really writing this in the hope that it will encourage some people who are reckless in their driving habits to think again. If you are one of those people who are intent on ending your own life on the road, you should know that it will not be a complete loss.
As a reckless person, once you have killed yourself, the roads become a little safer without you. If you had a job, a great number of people will be interested in taking your place. Someone may even be interested in taking over your apartment. If you were a wealthy person with lots of savings, your next of kin may weep for you, for a little while, but then they have to think what to do with your savings.
Were you married to a particularly beautiful woman? What is to become of her? The line of men who will try to help her decide what to do next might stretch all the way around the block, especially if you left her a wealthy widow.
This is all just to say that we would prefer to have you alive to occupy your rightful place in society, and in the life of your beautiful woman, but, if you insist on taking an early exit, so be it. You may be remembered fondly, perhaps too fondly. It's all up to you.
Drive safely throughout this brand new year that we have been given, and remember that the life that you save might be yours.
Happy New Year!
Copyright (c) 2013 Eugene Carmichael