Many crashes occur close to home
It is a well known fact that many so called accidents occur close to home. That may be because when we start our journey we may not be fully prepared, and in the process of making those last minute adjustments while actually underway our attention is distracted and we slam into someone or something.
Conversely, when nearing home after a long drive we start to relax within sight of home. We allow ourselves to become distracted and before we know it tragedy strikes. I remember all too well the case of an America's Cup worker who was on his way home on his bike at night. Within sight of his apartment block, with his wife and children sitting on the balcony, a car backed out into the roadway and directly in his path. He rode straight into the car and was killed instantly.
His wife didn't realise what was happening. She only knew something terrible had happened when all the emergency vehicles gathered. Slowly the realization sunk in because he was now late in coming through the door.
Another reason why crashes happen close to home is because the topography is familiar to us to the extent that we are contemptuous of our surroundings. We drive as though we own the road. That's what appears to have happened on our estate road recently. The road is winding and in very bad condition. There is a small bridge over a little riverlet, and there is also a stop sign that is near universally ignored.
Then, one day, one driver ignored the stop warning as another driver was passing and a crash occured which left one car looking very much like the car in the picture and the other ended up in the little river among the weeds. At least one person went to hospital as when I came upon the scene there were two Guardia Civil cars and one Policia Local vehicle, plus the ambulance.
By the time I returned home all was back to normal, including the crazy drivers who ignore the stop warnings, and who race over the potholes as though they own the road.
No one will be surprised when the next crash occurs. I promise to do my best not to be a contributor.
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