One way to definitely tell that it is Summer is by the arrival of flies and new fines. That's important because in some regions of the country it is difficult to tell that it is Summer because their weather is more like Winter with hail and snow. Crazy!
Some functionary has sat at his desk day after day thinking of new rules to dog motorists and now that it's Summer it is also time to raise the curtain. Don't misunderstand me, I'm not saying that these don't make sense, just that they are here and we have to be aware:
- It is such an easy thing to inadvertently do because we dress down when the weather gets hot, but if we forget to change our shoe wear and get in the car with our flip flops we risk a fine of 80 euros. One reason for that is they can slip off the foot when you have an emergency and impair your ability to bring the car to a full stop quickly.
- This is one for the young guys with the six-pack gut, but driving around without a shirt is not cool and will get you a fine of 80 euros. However, your sister could probably get away with it.
- It's definitely recommended that you stay hydrated by drinking lots of water but if you do so while driving, in spite of the bottles that you open with your teeth, you will still be fined 100 euros. This is a playing- it- safe rule because it does distract your attention, even if a little bit.
- One reason why the driver might hang his arm out the window is that it does channel air into the car, however, apart from the fact that you need both hands on the steering wheel far too many people have actually lost their arm to passing traffic. You will also pay a fine of 80 euros and let's face it, you really didn't need to attract the attention of the police.
- I always wear a hat or cap while in the car but if I'm wearing one that covers my ears I will attract a fine. This is because a hat, or anything that covers the ears also reduces the ability to hear road sounds like the ambulance or police trying to get past you. Needless to say wearing earplugs to listen to music or to talk on the phone are no-no's. The fine is 80 euros.
- Summertime is ice-cream time and leaving the beach on the way to the car is too tempting to pass the ice-cream truck. This is fine for your passengers, although I would insist everybody finishes theirs before getting in the car. For the driver in particular you are simply not allowed to lick and drive. Who wants to concentrate on turning the wheel when the taste of ice-cream is so much better? Fine for this is a sour 100 euros.
- Here's one that most people don't give a moment's thought to and that is the placing of objects on the rear tray behind the passengers without clamping them. The risk of this is that should the car have to make an emergency stop all that stuff will go flying. The most common item on the space is an umbrella, and if it has a pointy end it becomes a spear. This sounds more like something that falls under education rather than a fine-able offence, but the police have to make a living too, so 200 euros for the cost of having to stop and advise you.
- I don't know what is so offensive about washing your car while properly parked on a public road. It seems to really piss off a lot of people, almost as much as driving around in a dirty car. It almost seems as though the car wash lobby have successfully persuaded the authorities to direct everyone to their fore courts because if you insist you might pay anywhere between 30 to 3,000 euros for the privilege of making your beautiful pride and joy sparkling clean in the sight of passing traffic. Very strange!
- This is a peculiar one that makes me wonder where it comes from. The offense is having your co-driver (?) placing feet on the dashboard. This does not state whether the car will be in motion or not, nor does it state whether the offender will be female or male. The wording for this needs to be severely tightened up because we could be talking about two different types of offenses, but in any case the fine will be 100 euros.
- This next one has long been an offense but perhaps they are trying to make the fine more realistic. If so they have failed yet again. The offense is throwing a cigarette butt, whether lit or not from a vehicle, whether moving or not. The potential for disaster that this action carries is indescribable. There have been cases where the butt has landed in another vehicle, or on the motorcyclist following behind, and of course forest fires have started as a result. As I write this the first major fire of the Summer season is still burning after four days and has caused horrendous damage. It seems to have been started by nature, which is the only positive thing to
- be said. The fine is still only 200 euros and the loss of 4 points. Considering the potential loss of property and life and the energy put into fighting the blaze caused by your cigarette that's no punishment at all.
- Always remember to carry the car documents and your own driving permit. Many of these things can be determined by the police themselves through the internet but it is our responsibility to have our driving license with us when behind the wheel. I find my permit useful in all matters where I need photo identification. The fine is a small tap on the wrist of 10 euros.
- Finally, if you exceed the lawful capacity of people in the car for which it is rated you will only be fined 80 euros. This will be the best outcome if it's the only result because if your are involved in a crash your insurance will be nullified and you could be exposed to millions in risk. Don't do it!
- This is the one that is not included but should be, and one day after something very tragic and highly publicized happens it will be. That is smoking while driving causes such high risk from lighting the cigarette in the first place, to the disposition of the ash, including that which falls into the crotch of the driver, especially if it is still burning, and the throwing of the butt from the car, instead of placing it in the ashtray, all of these things are unnecessary risks that do cause problems that are preventable now.
I hope that we all have a safe season of driving over the Summer. Remember that alcohol is never a good idea when driving, but when coupled with heat the effect is made worse. The other killer is tiredness. The moment you feel exhaustion setting in start looking for a place to pull over to rest. So often it happens to me close to my home that I think I can make it without stopping. I have learned that this is a mistake.
You need only close your eyes once to never open them again.
Have a safe and happy Summer.
Copyright(c) 2017
Eugene Carmichael