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Monday, March 25, 2013

The Presidential Beast

The Fabulous Beast!
The Inside story of The Beast

As cars go, this has to be one of the coolest on the planet. President Obama may be preoccupied with matters of State for most of his days, but when he steps into the Beast he has to be suitably impressed with his wheels. Other countries can afford to provide their heads of state with cars of this caliber but it seems that only the U.S. president has at his disposal transport along these lines.

The FactFile notes the various features, but the only person I can think of who possibly needs all that protection is the U.S. president himself. But why? Politics is a contentious issue but other leaders seem to get along with so much less. I suspect that the high level of protection is against his fellow Americans who many are totally mesmerized by the need to hold and rely on guns to solve their percieved problems.

Be that as it may, when the President travels by road he presents a formiable show. There is the Beast, and a substitute Beast, (is this necessary?), plus an entourage that could include up to 45 vehicles. Wow!

There are no two ways about it. You definately know when the leader of the largest free-nation is in town. This is Shock and Awe at its best. Price tag:$1,500,000 each.


Sometimes, even the Beast needs a lift as a result of mechanical problems. This time, in spite of the best maintenance program that any car could wish for, this Beast could go no farther on its own because of a very basic mistake: gasoline was used to fill the tank, but this is a diesal motor car. Many people make this mistake, but you wouldn't expect such a security concious group to fall prey to something so basic.

Now I don't feel so bad when my Jag gets hoisted on the tow truck.

This may be impressive, but don't get me started on the President's travel by air.

Copyright (c) 2013  Eugene  Carmichael