Ambulance Anyone?
This was the scene in Boston following the Marathon Bombings on the 15th April, 2013. There are more ambulances in this picture than taxis.
Once I became aware of what was happening I spent entirely too much time in front of the television as CNN brought us Breaking News. I know this was not intended as coverage to entertain us, but it was riveting. What could possibly be worth the death and destruction that was caused by two young men from Chechyna, who were given asylum by The United States? How cold do you have to be to even conceive of something so evil. I feel certain that the older brother was the mastermind who brought his younger brother on board. The question now is: who or what terror group were they acting for?
As coverage unfolded one thing became clear: American law enforcement have some pretty snazzy rides up their garages. Especially S.W.A.T! However, I can't show you any because if you go to any of the pages with their equipment shown, forget taking a copy. Those images are stuck in concrete on the pages, which I suppose makes sense as they will likely consider it a security issue if we get to know too much about their vehicles.
Never before has a major American city and its suburbs been completely locked down, with a full scale operation putting live rounds and bombs in play. Most homes are built of wood, so that's nothing to stop bullets entering the house. Indeed, those living in firefight zones have much to show in the way of stray bullets. Fortunately, there were no deaths or injuries from friendly fire, there was just terror and panic. In that regard, the brothers were entirely successful.
It took such a full scale event such as this to put on full display the massive armoury and rolling stock of all the agencies involved. At one time there were almost ten thousand men and women looking for this one misguided teenager. It's one thing to be a pain in the ass teen, but this guy takes the cake.
I'm glad he was captured alive because the American people need some answers. He was so young. Seeing that he and his brother had so much more explosives one can only wonder what they were thinking of doing next?
Copyright (c) 2013 Eugene Carmichael