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Saturday, September 17, 2016

Women who Wait

This is a sad story about Spain's prostitutes who sit and wait along the highways and Roundabouts. They are engaged in the oldest profession in the world, and as adult women, if they are making a free choice about what to do with their bodies, then I suppose I have nothing to say about it. However, it is a peculiar choice of work.

If the woman is having to do this kind of thing because she just cannot find any type of regular employment, while I cannot condemn her for doing so it adds to the sadness of this lifestyle.

If she is a drug junkie and has to sell her body for her next fix, then that too is sad. Of course, the message to young women everywhere is that you avoid finding yourself in this situation by not touching drugs in the first place.

If she is keeping all of her earnings that is one mitigating factor, but in reality she most likely has to pay for protection, and worse she probably is being run by a pimp. That is a serious no-no! It happens more often than not.

One day, while leaving Denia before twelve noon I passed several ladies waiting patiently beside the N-332. I'm told that they are always there, day and night and it is obvious that they are not waiting for the bus.  By simply being there they were not contributing anything at all to the dignity of women.

There was one young woman who was dressed in shorts and blouse tied at the waist. She looked quite smart and she was dancing to the sounds from her headphones, while accentuating her ample positive assets. It was before anybody had sat down to lunch, so I ask myself, did she really expect me, as a passing male motorist to stop and give her trade at that time of day?

What was I supposed to want from her that early in the day? Where would we go to discuss whatever it was that I was supposed to want from her in the middle of the heat of the day? Why was she on duty at that peculiar hour? Might she have been a single mother who had packed the children off to school and taken herself to work hoping to earn some money for the household? That's a sad possibility. I suppose she could also be a married woman who is trying to earn some extra money while getting to indulge herself in some passing trade; but I imagine that is a lot less likely.

I imagine when you are offering your very body for sex purposes and a whole day passes and no-one wants you, that must be the ultimate in depression. It's bad enough when you are cruising to meet someone whom you would like to make your permanent partner and you get not one nibble, that has to get you down, but that is a whole world removed from the kind of rejection of the prostitute.

I think that the government recognises that two people will always find a way to hook up. The best that can be hoped for is that such activity is removed from the sight of the general public.

The government of Valencia City passed a law that prohibits fornicating in the street and other public places. Why would they do that? They did it to stop people who had been carrying on in this manner.

You would have thought it obvious that such activity would be way out of order, but noooooooooo!

As though we drivers didn't already have enough to distract us.

Copyright (c) 2016
Eugene Carmichael