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Sunday, January 14, 2018

The Survivors

The way the New Year should start is on a positive note. The Costa Levante News has done just that in their report on deaths on Valencia’s network of roadways between 8pm New Year’s Eve and 8am New Year’s Day. This is perhaps the period of highest risk when the roads are potentially full with drivers who have been celebrating in the traditional manner with cava and heavy meals in welcoming in the New Year.

Town Councils and governments are doing their part to try and keep us safe from ourselves. Common sense seems to go out the window when everybody is in such high spirits. The free and extended public transport provided helps to cut the risk down tremendously, if only members of the public take advantage. The other thing we can do is to appoint a responsible member of the family as the designated driver who has the responsibility to avoid alcohol or drugs so that we have a good chance of surviving the night.

It was reported that only three people failed to live out the first day of 2018. That is so sad but, as a trend the number of people who fall into this category is growing less by the year. That is super positive.

From the time I began to notice the statistics regarding deaths on Spain’s roads the number of people killed while simply trying to get from A to B was horribly unacceptable. Much had to do with driving while under the influence as many people were virtually drunk all the time. They just could not get the message that if you continue to do this you will die. Then came in the points system and somehow that message struck home. If you were caught driving while drunk you would lose all your points and effectively you would never drive again.

Since then the carnage has lessened every year although apparently this year overall there appears to have been a 4% rise. However, the news from Valencia is that for the first time less than 100 people have lost their lives during the entire year. Well, the number is 99 but I will take it, especially when at one time it was 300.

We can all take pride and pleasure in these positive figures because it means we are all driving with safety in mind which means that the life I save maybe yours. We should congratulate ourselves with a pat on our own backs, and it would be a good thing to keep up the good work.

Here’s looking ahead to 2019 at this time and a much improved report. Happy Driving everyone!

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Eugene Carmichael