Christmas is too wonderful to cancel because someone in the family lost their life in a road crash that could have been avoided. Most can be avoided. I always ask the question when I come upon a crash scene: Hundreds of thousands of cars have passed this spot without crashing into one another. Why not you two?
While watching the news there was a story of a car that had broken down on the highway in the left lane. The police were called, and during the time it took for the police to arrive that car sat there in what a lot of people call the fast lane without anyone crashing into it. That alone is amazing.
Finally, the police arrived and stopped in the left lane, with all their emergency lights working, to shield the stalled car. From the Dgt camera we see a car approach from the right hand lane and cross over the center lane to score a direct hit on the police cruiser. What the hell was that about?
At this time of year, whether a person is seeing the season from a religious point of view or not, the most important objective is to survive the fiestivities on the road. There is nothing more effective than someone in the hospital or the morgue to take the joy out of the season.
Of course, as we are in Spain we should be aware that there are many who will not have anything to celebrate except perhaps their faith. Faith is important, if you believe, but so many people have gone through many Christmas' without anything in the way of creature comforts. It would be good to be aware of our neighbours and to spread some goodwill if we can. Also, hopefully El Gordo will help people who really need it. (Like me.)
The best wishes of my family and myself are extended to all of you, dear readers, that you spend the holidays surrounded by love, and by giving love. A world without love is not worth living in.
May 2015 be a year of growth and excellent health for us all. Above all else, let's remember the thought for the day is: The most important thing is to return the way you left.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Copyright (c) 2014 Eugene Carmichael