Sometimes I wonder!
What has got me thinking is this past week I have confronted two trucks on two seperate occaisions overtaking two cyclists on two bends. On both times I have been driven into the side of the road. Clearly, both of these drivers have excrement where they are supposed to have brains. Still, the question is a good one because drivers put themselves out into the lane of oncoming traffic, and that has killed so many innocent people.
I recall some incidents from the news that were so incredible I have never forgotten them. In the region of Torrevieja there arose a traffic jam. A man who was driving a right hand drive car suddenly decided to pull out into oncoming traffic, even though he could not see if anything was coming. An oncoming bus carrying school children slammed into his car, instantly killing his wife in the passenger seat, and their friend who was sitting behind her.
The bus went out of control and turned left into the line of traffic pushing a sports car carrying a male driver, who was killed, and his pregant girlfriend, who survived with her baby intact. Bus and car went through the guardrail and down an embankment, and the bus landed on top of the car. Inside the bus children were thrown about like toys. One of the girls went straight through the windscreen and had to be taken to hospital by air ambulance.
The driver of the car survived because he was on the right side of the car; however, no-one could find out what he was thinking because he lost his mind and is locked up as a criminally insane person.
A whole category of insane nutters are those who have overtaken me only to pull off the road right in front of me, causing me to at least take my foot off the gas, and sometimes I have even had to tap the brakes. To all of you brainless wonders I really do hope that you will do something, without injuring someone else, that causes you such pain, expense, and inconvenience that you come to see the folly of your ways. You are Public Enemy Number One! I hate you!
For ordinary people simply driving along the motorway, we choose a speed and we will inevitably catchup with other people who are driving slower. To overtake such slower moving traffic is no big deal, provided we overtake on the left. In the Valencia region it has become a habit of so many drivers to overtake along the right side outside of city limits where this is strictly prohibited, and is a very dangerous practise. Now what could possibly be going through those people's minds? There cannot be any justification for doing something like that. The person most at risk is the one passing along the right side, and as such is suicidal. Of course, it's simple laziness.
Finally, the national roads in Spain have all been called dangerous, when the roads themselves just sit there waiting to be used responsibly. They are all generally two lanes, one for each direction, or at least they carry two-way traffic. They are busy thoroughfares which mean that to place your vehicle in a lane for opposing traffic must only be done with extreme care. There is no room for error.
Death through head-on collision is the number one killer of the guilty and innocent alike. The stories reflecting such events make very grim reading indeed!
What the hell were they thinking?
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