Blog Archive

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Crazy Time is Here, at Last!

The Mascletá in Full Roar!
There is no way you could hope to drive through this mob. 

Alcohol and driving don't mix, and neither does Fallas and driving. They are things to be avoided, and Fallas and parking is worse, so leave your cars at home, or well outside the city, and try to enjoy a break in the monotony of austerity cuts and Angela Merkel breathing down our necks. I know, she's right, but gimme a break.

Spain is considering raising the speed limit to 130, just when the numbers of deaths on the roads is falling close to "only" 1000, so I guess the authorities see driving as a way to thin the herd, but I don't feel like getting heavy now because the mood is light, the sun has actually put in an appearence today, so I will leave that for another time.

We have visitors for Fallas so I am going to go out and entertain them to our way of doing things because I want to see how many times they drop their mouths open.

If you are here, I hope you enjoy the events, and if you are not, I firmly suggest that you make it one of the things on your "Bucket List."

Copyright (c) 2013   Eugene Carmichael