For this story you will have to use your imagination.
I was driving easterly on a long, undulating straight road when all of a sudden two cars overtook me from behind. The second of those cars decides that he will also overtake the car in front of him, which he proceeds to do.
One of the dips in the road is so pronounced that when cars are down in it they cannot be seen by other traffic, nor can they see other traffic. Suddenly two cars came up from the dip with one of the cars overtaking the other. Now we have four cars, with one each on the wrong side of the road and closing fast. With some fast swerving the over-takers managed to get back on their correct sides by avoiding running headfirst into the cars that were on their correct sides.
It was a very close thing indeed, and I was the observer.
There was one other car far up ahead, and that was a police car carrying a high ranking officer, judging by his medals. I deliberately did not speed up to the point where I would be riding closely behind them, but the two who overtook me were trying their best show they were speeding.
At the far end there is one final rise to get over, but lately I had noticed that there was often a police car stationed to record your speed when you came over the crest of the hill. Whatever speed you were travelling at that time was what would be recorded. However, by that time everybody had slowed down because of the police car in the lead. Shortly after that point there is a four-way junction with traffic lights. When I arrived the were all patiently waiting in line for the lights to go green for us.
So, my question is: "What worth was it to nearly kill people in order to catch up with a senior police officer, and to go through police radar, just to have to wait for the green light along with everybody else?"
This is a classic example of how people get killed due to stupidity on the parts of drivers. Hopefully, cars that drive themselves will be smarter than that!
Copyright 2016
Eugene Carmichael