Driving in Spain
A friend called me recently while somewhat distressed. A Guardia Civil officer was in the process of writing her a ticket because she was carrying something in her boot that was too large, and consequently she was travelling with the boot open. It was on this basis that she was fined. However, a re-reading of the Highway Code does not show this as an offence. Fundamentally, the law wants us to employ a van or truck when we have items of such volume that would make this necessary and common sense. We are allowed to carry certain goods on the top of our cars, even if they protrude to the front and extend to the back.
What then is so special about travelling only with the boot firmly closed? The answer could be that under such circumstances the car is pulling inside poisonous carbon monoxide. However, this can be offset somewhat by opening all the car windows so that it won’t likely kill those inside, but nonetheless an effect could be that of impairing the driver’s concentration.
We cannot see any other reason for the officer making out a ticket, so perhaps he was in reality making an effort to save the lives of people. I’m sure that the way things work in Spain not every officer would see this as an offence, but it is worth be aware that unlike England and America where no one thinks twice about driving with the boot open, but Spain is apparently different.
Copyright © 2009 Eugene Carmichael