Road crashes. Stranger than Fiction
We encountered a car in the right-hand lane that had tipped forward just a few minutes before we came on the scene. It was a one-car crash, and the car was resting on its bonnet and the forward part of its roof. There were four people standing along the road waving all sorts of garments to get upcoming vehicles to slow down. We could only hope that meant that everybody was out of the car. No emergency vehicles had yet arrived, so those involved , and one or two cars that had pulled over to the side after the site were trying to manage the scene.
It seemed to me that the car had suddenly stopped so short that the backend flipped over its head and it landed they way it was resting. I'm sure there is a better and more rational explanation, but I'll be damned if I can figure it out.
Be careful when driving, its a jungle out there full of mysteries!
Copyright (c) 2012 Eugene Carmichael