Yes! We Can!
The world seems to be falling apart before our very eyes. Everywhere we look, in the financial sector, the political sector, socially, in religion, and anywhere else, things that can be called traditional are breaking down. However, there is one area that each of us have the power within our grasp to affect. We can determine that we are not going to become a mere statistic this year, nor are we going to put others in that category. No one else can drive for us therefore it is up to us to do it right. Stay off the mobile phone while underway in your car. Mankind was not made to always be contactable. Turn the thing off and relax and concentrate on what you are doing behind the wheel.
Never allow yourself to become drowsy while driving. Stop and rest. Better still, get a good night’s rest beforehand and eat lightly while completing your voyage. Never drink alcohol or take drugs, legal or otherwise, that will impair your judgment. If you don’t want to do these things for yourself, do them for that one special person for whom the sun shines from your eyes.
Try not to overtake along two-way road systems just because you are impatient with the slow pace of the driver in front of you. Head-on collisions happen on such roads and can be avoided completely if you practise patience.
If you are a cyclist or a motorcyclist and you want to avoid being hit by a motorist who “just didn’t see you” wear a reflective jacket over your other gear. “Be Seen to be Safe.”
When you find yourself saying that it’s just too much trouble to do any of these things, repeat after me: “Yes! We Can! “Yes! I can!”
Copyright © 2009 Eugene Carmichael