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Sunday, March 11, 2012

Gasoline and Diesal

We have come a long way from the days when only truckers and farm machinery used diesal. The diesal family car was a clunky thing that was also noisy as hell. Now, manufacturers are turning out diesal cars that are super quiet, and they start with the turn of the key. I know without doubt that my wife's diesal Seat runs much, much farther on a litre of diesal than my volvo does on a litre of gasoline, but how much farther I can't say without doing a test. Bit it is significant.

Diesal, by its very nature is cheaper to produce, and the cost at the pump is also lower than standard non-leaded gasoline. However, when some governments get involved and place crippling taxes on diesal, it can actually be more costly at the pump. For now, diesal is more economical here in Spain.

So why, in the name of all that's sensible, does an examination at ITV for a diesal car cost euros 65:00, and euros 51:00 for a gasoline powered seven seater?

I recall the time when diesal was promoted as a more friendly fuel, and new buyers were encouraged to take home a diesal. Buyers did that, and now we find that in some countries you pay more for the fuel and more for the annual examination.

I would suggest we not waste even a minute trying to understand the logic of that. There is no logic. Yes, they are a bunch of people with excrement for brains, but they are the government.

Copyright (c) 2012   Eugene Carmichael