Where's the Humour?
The problem with vanity plates is that most motorists want to give a funny mesage but the DMLV in every country of the world has no sense of humour.
Here in Spain we don't do Vanity plates, so it's not a problem, except by error. We have four numbers followed by up to three letters. By converting to English we can make all sorts of meanings from letters that begin with F. There are actually cars driving around with the letters FU, and nobody even blinks, except the British and Americans. In fact. English swear words in Spain have no meaning or offence at all. Spanish swear words don't offend even British Nuns, although we hear them on television news and talk shows.
I have seen the letters HA, as in Ha! My own letters are ES, as in the letters used to express España.
I think in countries that allow it, probably the most overused or abused theme is sex. "IM2SEXY" or "ILVSEX" or "SEX4ME" are high on the list of wishful thinking.
What made me think of this was I found myself behind a car with the plate that read, "HMM", as in Hmm!
I would pay for that one.
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