Blog Archive

Monday, January 21, 2013

Be Seen to be Safe!


I return to an old and dear subject of mine that I promoted for many years in the name of motorcyclists.

My campaign was for motorcyclists to wear reflectve vests, especially the lime green colour that are worn by all workers who are active on road projects, and are also worn by the police. I have noticed lately that there seems to be a trend among cyclists to make sure that they are seen by drivers. There is nothing quite so sad to hear a driver say that he just didn't see the cyclist that he killed.

So. stay safe this year by making certain that you are seen on your cycle, motor or pedal. The life you save may be your own.

Copyright (c) 2013  Eugene Carmichael

Sunday, January 13, 2013

One Promise!

Please don't make me pull what little hair out that I have left!

I have one promise to make to you, my fellow members of the motoring public, and one promise to ask that you make of me. That is that during this year we promise to each other that when we are approaching our exit, that we won't speed up to overtake the person in front of us, only to immediately slow down to make our exit.

Unless there are very extenuating circumstances, to do such a thing can be considered unfunny, dangerous, and the most violent of the stupid things that a person can do, as to mark the person who did it as one having shit where his brain is supposed to be.

What might be an extenuating circumstance?  There was one time when I was travelling along the A7 motorway with a line of trucks nose-to-tail, thereby making a solid fence that blocked any traffic that was in the middle lane from turning off. My exit was coming up, so I had to put my foot down to get ahead of those fools so that I could make my turnoff the motorway. I was just barely able to make the move, but ever since it has re-played over again in my mind. It was about five years ago that I did that, and I only did it because my choice was to go on to the next exit and then come back.

Normally we know when we are approaching our turnoff, so we get in line behind the car that is in front of us. To do otherwise is to subject the other driver to unnecessary risk. So, please, don't do that. It's just not funny.

Copyright (c) 2013   Eugene Carmichael

Sunday, January 6, 2013

The Positive Aspects of Death on the Road

Dreamin' in Paris

Cool Driving in 2013

Welcome 2013!

Even as I look at the title that I have given this piece I feel uncomfortable in thinking that there is such a thing as a positive side to road deaths. I am really writing this in the hope that it will encourage some people who are reckless in their driving habits to think again. If you are one of those people who are intent on ending your own life on the road, you should know that it will not be a complete loss.

As a reckless person, once you have killed yourself, the roads become a little safer without you. If you had a job, a great number of people will be interested in taking your place. Someone may even be interested in taking over your apartment. If you were a wealthy person with lots of savings, your next of kin may weep for you, for a little while, but then they have to think what to do with your savings.

Were you married to a particularly beautiful woman?  What is to become of her? The line of men who will try to help her decide what to do next might stretch all the way around the block, especially if you left her a wealthy widow.

This is all just to say that we would prefer to have you alive to occupy your rightful place in society, and in the life of your beautiful woman, but, if you insist on taking an early exit, so be it. You may be remembered fondly, perhaps too fondly. It's all up to you.

Drive safely throughout this brand new year that we have been given, and remember that the life that you save might be yours.

Happy New Year!

Copyright (c) 2013   Eugene Carmichael