Don't Miss the Points
The Spanish DGT has announced that in celebration of the three-year anniversary of the points system, those drivers who have not lost any points will actually be given two more points. At the end of the next three year period those drivers who have not lost any points over the six-year period will then be given an extra point bringing the total to fifteen, the maximum available.
That’s a good thing and very encouraging as drivers here in Spain worry more about losing points than they seem to worry about losing their lives. A curious thing that, but the statistics did reflect the potential loss of points by bringing down the death rate when all else failed.
While this is a positive development the story on the other hand is about a great many drivers who have lost all twelve of their points, and they lost additional points that they never had, some having lost twenty points in all. That is quite astonishing and speaks to the hardcore bad driver. There are some people who should not hold a driving permit as they are a menace to everyone else.
The giving of additional points is not without its irony as the people who have held their points intact seemingly don’t actually need more as presumably they’ll protect those as well. The people who need additional points are the ones who have lost all their original issue. However, points are not tradeable, and I hope they never will be as the last thing that we need is to keep the bad guys on the road.
Drive safely, keep a watch for cyclists, and guard your points.
Copyright © 2009 Eugene Carmichael
The Spanish DGT has announced that in celebration of the three-year anniversary of the points system, those drivers who have not lost any points will actually be given two more points. At the end of the next three year period those drivers who have not lost any points over the six-year period will then be given an extra point bringing the total to fifteen, the maximum available.
That’s a good thing and very encouraging as drivers here in Spain worry more about losing points than they seem to worry about losing their lives. A curious thing that, but the statistics did reflect the potential loss of points by bringing down the death rate when all else failed.
While this is a positive development the story on the other hand is about a great many drivers who have lost all twelve of their points, and they lost additional points that they never had, some having lost twenty points in all. That is quite astonishing and speaks to the hardcore bad driver. There are some people who should not hold a driving permit as they are a menace to everyone else.
The giving of additional points is not without its irony as the people who have held their points intact seemingly don’t actually need more as presumably they’ll protect those as well. The people who need additional points are the ones who have lost all their original issue. However, points are not tradeable, and I hope they never will be as the last thing that we need is to keep the bad guys on the road.
Drive safely, keep a watch for cyclists, and guard your points.
Copyright © 2009 Eugene Carmichael