This is St. Valentine's Day weekend, a time for lovers to renew their love for one another, but also a time for us all to soften our hearts to find love towards one another. We can do it whenever we want to. Usually it takes some kind of crisis to galvanise us into action, but we all have a reservoir of love within us and when it comes flowing out it is a wonderous thing to see.
We didn't have to wait for St. Valentine's Day for an excuse to treat one another with respect and love from behind the driver's wheel. It's really an easy thing to do. We usually call it road courtesy. The British are masters at the practise of courtesy. Some countries, that shall remain nameless, have never heard of the concept. Here's how it works: let's say that we are pulling into a parking bay and we need to square up the car. Another car is coming along but is far enough away to allow us to start the process. All we need is one more second to finish. If the passing car would just stop and let us finish, that would be an act of kindness and affection that will be returned when it is other car's turn to park.
Sometimes two cars are trying to complete the same manoeuvre at the same time. If one driver would simply indicate to the other: "after you, old boy," that would be a very good thing to do to add to the day's pleasent outcome.
There are countless ways in which we can add to other people's experiences. For instance, For years another man and I would pass one another at the same place on our way to work. We evidently left home at the same time, and after a while I tried to time it so that I was in the place at the precise point in time, and there he would be, going in the opposite direction. We would wave a greeting that absolutely made my day. I think it made his as well.
The ultimate in giving love along the road comes from Johnnie Barnes. He is a man in my native Bermuda, who for more than seventy years has been greeting passersby on their way to work. He waves and he reassures us all that he loves us. For this he has become known around the world and a visit to Bermuda without going to see Johnnie to tell him that we love him too, means that your visit is not complete.
You don't need a script, just follow your heart and do an act of random kindness. Your day will be much brighter, and you will certainly brighten my day.
Happy St. Valentine's Day!
Copyright (c) 2016
Eugene Carmichael