Something is seriously wrong in the Community of Valencia
It has come to light today, November 22, 2013, that the Department of Traffic has sent out more than a half million demand notes to registered owners of vehicles demanding payment for road tax, and accusing people of not having their vehicle examined by the ITV, (MoT), nor of having held insurance for some time.
Well, yeah, that would be a good exercise to place the spotlight on those who have not been properly following the law, but in one case, one of these letters was addressed to a woman who has been dead for 17 years and her car was passed through the desguace to be written off the road. Another vehicle was written off about 40 years ago, and yet another was written off 43 years ago. In that case it was the driver's first ever car and caused him to sit and look at the letter for a long time to try and remember something about the car.
What on earth has gone wrong? Could it be that data from the desguaces has not been forwarded to the DGT, or, could it be that the problem exists somewhere within the DGT? Whatever, this is a worrying thing because when we write off our vehicles we walk away with that piece of paper in the knowledge that we have done as we are required and that is the end of it.
To have the DGT come back to us after 43 years demanding that we show cause why we haven't put our car through the ITV or held insurance for these many years, nor paid road tax has to be reason for some sleepless nights. I think someone within the DGT might have picked up on the hint that its not the fault of the car owner. Especially when you are about to send out 500,000 such letters.
Spain, you're a wonderful country and I love you, but when you make a mess its bound to be one that takes one's breath away!
Stay tuned, this can only get worse, much worse!
Copyright (c) 2013 Eugene Carmichael |