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Sunday, February 25, 2018

The Importance of the Desguace

The Spanish system for dealing with vehicles that have served faithfully for many years is to have it taken in by one of the many Desgauces around the country. A desgauce is the equivalent of an English wrecker’s yard where your car is written off the records as a registered vehicle on the road.

In order to have your car accepted for write off in the official records and to be crushed it has to have been registered under Spanish plates with all its outstanding debts for road tax paid, and it should not have any other liens against it.

You may be able to negotiate a fee from the desgauce as they will break your car down into the sum of its functioning parts for re-sale to other customers who are continuing to drive their models. Once a car comes to a point where it is no longer economically viable it is taken off the roads but its parts can help others to continue in existence.

The problem for some car owners is that they have imported cars into Spain but they didn’t change the plates within the specified period of time. After a certain lapse of time the car will be driven without having the benefit of an annual  certification as to its roadworthiness. That is to say if the car is on foreign plates it needs to have a current M.O.T in the country of its origin.

It is noted that some such cars do go through the Spanish ITV but the value of that is doubtful. It should be borne in mind that the ITV is a business and does not turn away a client.

Secondly, if the car is here in Spain but is still registered as a vehicle that is currently on the road in say, England it will be in violation of not having an up to date M.O.T. That car cannot be broken up in a Desgauce and it can no longer be driven on the road in England, a fact that will be noted when crossing the border into the country.

Brexit is bound to make matters only worse, although in what ways we don’t yet know, but it is highly unlikely to be good.

Finally, the car is a high insurance risk because there will be many things wrong with its documentation that is likely to affect any claim made for any damage caused by it. Also, because of the lack of a proper certification as to its roadworthiness, in the event the other car is the offending party the blame may revert to your car as perhaps it should not have been on the road in the first place.  

It would seem to be a good idea to look into conforming your car’s status with regards to its proper registration here in Spain. The sooner the better!

Copyright (c) 2018
Eugene Carmichael