A Tsunami of Ferraris
I look at these pictures and I make a face like sucking lemons
I'm sure everyone reacted as I did when I heard of the crash in Japan of all those top flight cars. Involuntarily I went "WoW!" Followed by, "Oh my God!" The pictures were even more heartbreaking. To see eight Ferraris, three Mercedes a Lambourgini, a Nissan Skyline Gt-R, and a Toyoto Prius in such a state almost made my knees buckle. From my point of view I was seeing the incident as the worst nightmare of any and all aficianados from any club.
Imagine this: every person who has a top flight car or motorcycle will treasure it and treat it like nothing else. In my current case I have a black shiny Jaguar Sovereign that is sitting in my garage, under a cover. There was a time when I had a GoldWing motorcycle. I know of people who only bring their Goldwings, or Harleys outside if the sun is shining. Otherwise, they are parked in the house, under cover.
Once in a while we get together and go for a run. The mood is happy. We get all dressed up in our special gear, we spend even more time in polishing our motor, and we go off in strictly disciplined regimen. We observe all traffic laws; sometimes we even have police escorts. It's a day out, a time to be seen and for good camarderie. The absolutely worst thing that could happen is to have a crash that destroyed fourteen vehicles.
There was one time when I was on a run with the Essex GoldWing Club. We were over 250 bikes and riding under police supervision. As my section was passing one of the exits a car came out fulling expecting to merge. At the last moment, before he would have ploughed into us he came to a screeching halt. He missed me by inches.
In the crash in Japan ten of the drivers were taken to hospital, not, I suspect because they were hurt, but when the gravity of what had happened finally sunk in, it was better that they were in the hospital to have their heart attacks.
I know ladies, you are all shaking your heads and wondering out loud about Men! It's a guy thing and I know, we're so silly at times, but then, we're just guys.
Copyright (c) 2011 Eugene Carmichael