I wish this motorcyclist was wearing a reflective vest to be seen to be safe!
The following scene all took place within about ten seconds. It was completely instructive and could have saved the average driving student weeks of training.
A motorcyclist was following a car far too closely and apparently was intending to overtake inappropriately.
The car driver seemed to suddenly realise that he needed to enter a side road that he was then passing, so he made a sharp left turn into the entrance. Were it not for the motorcyclist who was entirely too close, no-one else would have been disturbed by the manoeuvre.
The cyclist became so alarmed and enraged that he started giving the car loud mouth abuse while at the same time looking over his shoulder to deliver it. I don’t think that the driver had any clue what was happening.
Coming towards the biker was another car and they were headed for a head-on collision. The driver blasted his horn and the biker got another scare, and the collision was avoided by mere millimetres.
The moral of the story is: (a) Keep your distance; (b) do not overtake along two-way road systems unless it is abundantly clear that it is safe to do so; (c) when in the process of making a mistake it is safer to play the mistake out properly by going on to the next roundabout or entrance, then driving back. (d) Lastly, keep your eyes on the road ahead. Road conditions are constantly changing.
It’s a jungle out there! Take care.
Copyright © 2009 Eugene Carmichael
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