To Protect and to Serve
If you were in Valencia during this week, May 11th to 16th, you might have noticed the police presence. The fact is that seldom has so many police been seen so close together. It appeared that the focus was on proper documentation. As I drove around I came upon check- points in downtown Valencia, in the suburbs, in the boonies, in fact, just about everywhere.
It got to be so ridiculous that motorists were stopped at one roundabout, and when they left that one they were possibly stopped again at the very next roundabout. The extraordinary thing is that I drove throughout the week and went through many of these police stops without actually being pulled over. I have to say that I am a black man from Bermuda, which is so close to the United States I can’t help making comparisons between Spain and the U.S.
I have said this before, and it bears repeating: the Spanish police appear to be one of the most disciplined bodies that I have ever seen. There might be those who disagree, but from the standpoint of policing without prejudice they seem to have it right.
Respect for law and order starts with the police enforcement in the streets. In democracies policing is by consent, so to have the police acting like Nazis brings the institution into disrepute. That never stopped the police of several cities in the U.S. Ask any black man about their experience with the police, and whether they have respect for them. Unfortunately, the response will always be negative, even when you are talking to professionals, especially the lawyers. The practise of bigoted policemen was, and probably still is to harass black men, and if the citizen appears to be someone upstanding and professional they become a special target. Should he be driving a high end car he is made to step out of the car, and to prove how he was able to buy the car.
The most amazing thing is that when there are two policemen on duty together, and one is black the harassment continues. However, when the police come upon the gang-bangers driving their customized Humvees that were obviously bought with drug money, the cops pass them by. That is because they know the car is loaded with guns.
So, imagine if you can a situation where you only get stopped if you merit it, or you simply draw the short straw. I fully expect to be pulled over from time to time and have to produce my documentation. This is simply the role of the police, and when they are doing this they are protecting me against unlicensed and uninsured drivers, so I have no objection at all. It’s just very nice to live in a country where the rule of law is served even-handed.
Copyright © 2009 Eugene Carmichael
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