Stupid is as Stupid does -Burning Rubber
This is a quote from a film, but I’m really not all that certain what it means. It’s just one of those sayings that kind of stick. However, it could be made to fit with the actions of so many drivers. I witnessed yet another really stupid, and dangerous action on the part of somebody who evidently has shit for brains, and that got me thinking whether we actually know that we are being stupid at the time we commit stupid acts?
The driver, and I must say that these are all men, who drives very fast, pulling in and out of traffic, only to turn off the road in just a few metres is being very stupid indeed, but is he so stupid that he really does not realize it?
I look back on my life and there was a period when I rode like a demon. The only time when I realized that I was being very stupid was when I found myself under a car that had fortunately stopped. Had it not the back wheels would have run over me. That was my wake up call and after that experience I wised-up and became responsible in my travels.
The boy rider with a girl on the back who rides along the motorway as fast as he can go is being both stupid and very reckless with someone else’s life. Presumably he is trying to impress her, but he only has to get her home safely to do that.
I think that it is a fact that everyone who causes a vehicle crash thinks, “if only I didn’t do this or that, the accident need not have happened.” Obviously too late, the time for such thoughts is before you go. It’s bad enough if you only get a speeding ticket. If only you were not in such a hurry; if only I had left home earlier, and a thousand such if only scenarios.
The other option is to arrive at your destination without incident of any kind. The Department of Traffic like to say that they cannot drive for you, so it is up to each and every one of us to get it right. No one else can make that happen for us.
Copyright © 2011 Eugene Carmichael
This is a quote from a film, but I’m really not all that certain what it means. It’s just one of those sayings that kind of stick. However, it could be made to fit with the actions of so many drivers. I witnessed yet another really stupid, and dangerous action on the part of somebody who evidently has shit for brains, and that got me thinking whether we actually know that we are being stupid at the time we commit stupid acts?
The driver, and I must say that these are all men, who drives very fast, pulling in and out of traffic, only to turn off the road in just a few metres is being very stupid indeed, but is he so stupid that he really does not realize it?
I look back on my life and there was a period when I rode like a demon. The only time when I realized that I was being very stupid was when I found myself under a car that had fortunately stopped. Had it not the back wheels would have run over me. That was my wake up call and after that experience I wised-up and became responsible in my travels.
The boy rider with a girl on the back who rides along the motorway as fast as he can go is being both stupid and very reckless with someone else’s life. Presumably he is trying to impress her, but he only has to get her home safely to do that.
I think that it is a fact that everyone who causes a vehicle crash thinks, “if only I didn’t do this or that, the accident need not have happened.” Obviously too late, the time for such thoughts is before you go. It’s bad enough if you only get a speeding ticket. If only you were not in such a hurry; if only I had left home earlier, and a thousand such if only scenarios.
The other option is to arrive at your destination without incident of any kind. The Department of Traffic like to say that they cannot drive for you, so it is up to each and every one of us to get it right. No one else can make that happen for us.
Copyright © 2011 Eugene Carmichael
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